Bring School Yard Rap Into Your School

In partnership with the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP), our assemblies offer engaging experiences lasting 30-60 minutes. They can also be expanded into workshops or festivals. Our live shows educate and uplift, perfect for celebrating ALL heritage months and cultural festivities.

Black History

Unforgettable - Interactional - Inspirational - Educational

Black history is more than slavery and segregation. The African diaspora is not a monolith. And African American students are Black even outside of February. Learn STEAM, history and civics through interviews, skits, animation, music and more.


Latino/a History

Unforgettable - Interactional - Inspirational - Educational

Latino/a history is more than Ceasar Chavez or the Alamo. The stories of Hispanic and Latino/a Inventors Scientists and more need to be told. Learn STEAM, history and civics through interviews, skits, animation, music and more.

Multicultural History

Unforgettable - Interactional - Inspirational - Educational

Our assemblies includes incredible hip-hop music along with visuals that inform students about the history, social-emotional health, mental health, and experiences of many populations. Celebrating the accomplishments of African Americans, Latino/a, Asian Pacific Islander, and Women. 


It was the Best 2 Hours of my life

Elementary Student
Elementary Student

The lights were Fire Everything was Fire!

Group of Students
Group of Students

It was Powerful, it was Motivational


It was very fun, They were very Interactive


Catch us on Tour

YouTube Theater

Inglewood, CA
  • General Audience : 3:00 pm

Saroyan Theatre

Fresno, CA
  • General Audience : 6:00 pm

Paramount Theatre

Oakland, CA
  • General Audience : 5:00 pm

School Yard Rap DJs

We use our books for Incentives & Prizes

That Uplift the narratives of minorities

Embark on a journey through history with School Yard Rap Study Guide Vol. 1! Delve into the captivating narratives of people, historic artifacts, and places meticulously curated from Griot B’s extensive catalog of music.